Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Why nintendo has been doing so well

I've just recently acquired myself with the Nintendo DS. Alot of people has asked me why did I do that since the PSP is so much better. I have to give thanks to Hazmer my good friend for this one.

First of all, PSP is good in certain things. One thing being graphics. They definately outbeat Nintendo DS in that arena, with bigger and clearer screens. But the thing about the DS is that it has really really fun, and I mean you can spend hours just enjoying yourself playing, games.

Most of the games in the PSP series are probably tied to 1 genre, racing, strategy, RPG most likely, adventure. The games in Nintendo ( not all, some I'm playing now ) are almost one of a kind. They've been always making things different and new, without having the same genre hit on you over and over again.

One game I'm enjoying so much right now is the Animal Crossing: Wild West, please visit this page if you have time. This game revolves on you in a simulation You can do anything you want in the town u've created. You can fish, pick fruits, get jobs, pay mortgage to get a better house, and it's fun and relaxing. Whats even better is that Hazmer just came over with my town via the wireless connection we had in his office and in my house, and it was so easy, all we had to do is I had to open my town gates and for him to come over and say HI. That was really fun.

My unfortunate peeve about this console is that unfortunately in Malaysia, there's no warranty, none at all. This is quite irritating unfortunately as I'm now experiencing a small blue discoloured pixel on the top LCD monitor. Not so annoying for animal crossing as most of the gameplay is at the bottom LCD and I don't have to see the top screen much. But this will quite limit the games that I might want to buy.

All in all, even with the dead pixel, I love this. Why? Because it's different. And I can't wait to see for more games that makes their own trend.

For those with Animal Crossing for the DS, friend codes please? :)

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Christmas...and the new year seems that christmas is near and Jesus Christ is going to have his birthday on this fateful 25th. This special event holidays that are going in an epic of happiness, except me.

Things in the business world is taking a toll on me. Sleepless nights, coffee overdose, twiching eyes, sore throats,coughs and colds. And I don't earn really that much, most of the time I'm at home contemplating on what to do next for the business.

And I also don't have any one I can be with. Yea, I've got friends to hang about on Christmas, but none that I can share my life with on the holidays, and the one that I do want to have in my life I seemed to have chased her out with my stupid primal jealousy and instinct.

So as I'm typing at the ungodly hour of 5.26am on a Sunday morning, I look back and see what I've achieved in 2005.

What was my resolution for 2005?
A new notebook, which I did get

What did I lose?
The very person that I care for.

My resolution for 2006?
To find who I am, and what I've become.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Go British?

Thats right, I might be leaving to the UK. But I'm not sure when.
Just a summary of what I am, I am a birth product from the United Kingdom, which also means that I've got this ability to go back to the UK to live and work for an indefinite period of time.

Thing is, my whole lifestyle is made in such a way that I could survive better in the UK. I mean, i don't speak chinese, ever. Which makes it the better reason to go there, since mostly everyone there speaks English right? lol. Also it's cold, and I like cold. Nothing beats a freezing gust of wind blowing ur cheek and you wear like 3 pairs of shirts to stop yourself from getting frostbite.

But I have some pros to stay in Malaysia as well. For instance, everything's cheap in a sorta strange way. You have mamak food, cybercafe gaming for near free prices, and most importantly the friends that i've been with all these time. I'm sure going to have to consider all these options.

The worst part of your life is when you've gotta choose which homeland you support, the one that u came from or the one you grew up in. :(

Friday, September 23, 2005

financialphobia - the fear of doing any financial transaction

LOl, I think I have that. Not that i mismanage money I believe. But going to the banks and all that makes me all scared and timid.
Just recently I had to create a new bank account for my business. And as I walked into the bank manager's office it gets abit more creepy. Her computer churns out jargons after jargons that I don't understand. What's not helping is her talking about the basic principles of the services I get attached to the bank account that I'm getting. After countless amount of forms that I have to fill up, I feel like a student checking to see if my forms are correct before giving it to the school teacher.
Every time the bank manager gives out a form, I'm like this noob asking stupid questions like "This name box, do i put in my name or the company name?" or "Whats the IC for my company name?". Lol. The horror.
It's a reason why I love internet banking so much. The stupid questions that I asked is already answered in the FAQs.

financialphobia lol.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

One Tree Hill

Just started watching this show and I find it really cool.
It talks about a bunch of people'slives initially basketball, to love, to hope, to pain, to victory and to defeat and to loss.
I like that show cause it reflects most of us. All of the things that we do we see it reflected by them, going through life, trying new things (sex included lol), and feeling their first losses.

If I remember correctly it wasn't that interesting when i was a teenager.

Saturday, July 30, 2005

A half-demonic soul

Hey, so sorry for the long lag. Been alot of things. Some good and some bad. Still lifeless last I checked.

I've also found out that I might be possesed by a demon spirit. When I'm being hurt for some odd reason, or disappointed, rage comes in. And it's not ordinary. I think things of ways to hurt the person, but surprisingly not physically. I try to hurt them mentally, financially and socially. It keeps getting into my head. I have different scenarios of what to do, plus backup plans. God. This is not good.

Had a fight with Irene, which wasn't really good. The demonic side took over and next thing I know I'm not with her. It wasn't good, and I'm dying to be with her.

But I know that she has to stay away from me. I can't be controlled.

Deus succurro mihi!

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Trying back to be me

So sorry, I know my blog been's kind crap, just not feeling myself right now.

It's hard having a partner sometimes. We've been having damn lot of arguments. Always she's right, always she's the know it all. I'm just the loser. Thats all there is. I don't even have time to do the things that I like doing. After my long hard day of work, I was hoping there was some time I can just relax and be cool past my usual midnight curfew, but unfortunately this is also being tampered with.

I haven't been myself. I've not been playing games for so long now, that it sucks. I wish I can go back and play the games that I want to play instead of this bullshit where you have to work your ass off to earn your gritty dollars to make yourself better.

This is ridiculous. I have to argue to get my life back.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Trying to delegate

I like teaching. It's just that I don't like to do it all day. Maybe I'm trying to get someone else to do the teaching. But I can't find a good fella to do it.

Will keep trying. Damn it's hard.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Don't know what to do

Hmm, well, after a while trying to be with Irene all the time. It seems that it wasn't right that I was sacrificing so much time with her and yet she goes, jeez, clubbing. It's weird, but it sucks nonetheless.

So back to where I am, nothing on Chinese New Year, no work until then. Maybe even no friends to hang out with.

No games to play.

I'm back to where I'm started, an unknown soul.


Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Sux to have a divorced family

This kinda sucks. After planning to go to Penang with my Dad, my mom threatened me to go with her or else she'll go overseas. After this whole crap, I'm staying here. sigh, gotta tell this bad news to Irene.


Back to training

Hmm, ever since my fiasco with the office rentals and my one shot small fame of able to get some cash in my pockets. I've decided I've needed someting to build on. So I'm building my computer training. Again.

This time, with some trainers who's committed to help me train, all I have to do find clients. Which is sorta hard, considereing I'm an IT kind of guy, but it's challenging and I like it, talking to people to get them to come to my training.

Pretty soon I'm going to apply for a virtual office and a business bank account, so that'll should be fine. Anyway we'll see how it goes. Sigh.

Wish me luck.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Happy with a contract deal :)

Wow, now I feel like how a person who has no limits in a business. I was out going to get ready for training, when my client called, and wanted a project to be done, some computer thingy. Out came along, looking for people who can help me develop this project, and lo and behold, i've got another friend who help me did the whole project all together. We've met, got the cash, and took the markup between them. So I kinda made money, in a couple of days, and the amount? About how much I earn during a month of training. I then think to myself, I love making this kind of deals. Able to try to find clients to do projects, and getting others to help me make the projects. Woot. Nice.

I'm done, tired, need to sleep. Cheers you all.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Long week, got fired, and got sick

Argh, just got a client, and my shareholders(aunties) were so slow in paying me in order I can buy the necessary utilities (wifi, office supplies) for him to use, so unfortunately he left. Being quite pissed, I started arguing with them about how useless their company is if they're not doing anthing to it. Being shareholders, they don't do much. Just sit down on a Saturday dinner and talk about things to do but then does nothing. Needless to say, I got fired. What an ass.

Other than that, abit more hilarious thing happened. Being the worst cook ever, I've almost burnt my kitchen. Now I've just did it again. Before it was a popcorn which I thought can be popped in the oven. Little did I know that it's also a burning device as well, and when it popped, it fell into the heater and caught fire. Eventually the oven caught fire, and I had to use a cloth to keep it down, as the cloth was also on fire. Luckily the oven isn't that big. It's that small toaster oven. And today was quite interesting.
I was reading the Naked Chef's blog and seeing some steaks, I was thinking I can make some steaks as well. Picked up a juicy frozen steak and started defrosting on the microwave. Now the defrosted steak is rubbed with tons of mint sauce (i can't find any more sauce), some spices and black pepper. So far so good I think. then came the frying part. As I was frying in the frying pan with the steak on the bottom, as I flipped the meat, flames engulf my pan all the way to the roof. Then for some unknown reason, black stuff started to fall from the sky like snow. It turns out that my light/fan thingy on top of my cooker hasn't been cleaned for a while and soot has arrived due to my flame pressure. Cool.

Note to everyone: Never ever, ever, ever, let me in your kitchen. Lightning strikes more than twice.

Friday, January 14, 2005

Made a sale for company, but everything there is running slow!

Woohoo, just got a client. Well not confirmed but it's most likely...

But everything else sux! The company's slow. Most of my aunties can't make up their mind on what to do with the company. And because of that I can't get the wifi installed! Crappiness! Just let me run the damn blardy thing on my own and I'm sure I can make it good.

They should wipe out inefficient people.

Saturday, January 08, 2005

Back to programming, for a day.

Well, so weird huh? First a manager of a company, and now to programming for a while. For some people who don't know. I used to be this kid who loves programming in every way, and hated business. Business are for people who scared of programming and that sorta thing. It seemed I misjudged myself, so after a while in business and selling, I decided to go back into it. It started out like this.

Wan Hazmer, one of me good friends, gave me an offer I almost couldn't refused. RM500 for a job for one day. Only problem, it's almost a normal project of 2 weeks to be done in one day. Being the hero, I feel like I can push my limit. So I took it. After going there at 2pm, and started work. Programming was in a way physically exhausting. It's just staring at������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Driving Battle Stage 1

Now, usually I don't complain about KL drivers, because I'm one of them. And I usually do stuff which I kinda think it's abit too far. But hey, it's a dog eat dog world out there. But this story I like to tell because of the weirdness it is.

There I am near Phileo going to go off and lining up behind 3 cars to the ticket counter to exit, when a black merz or sonata decided to make a cut. To the ticket counter. So being myself, I faithfully push my car to be very close to the car in front of me to remind her the need to line up. As I was doing this, I didn't know about the red pillar at the front and I knocked it. Plooped, there it went and now there's a small red scar at my car. Interesting. My battle

Other than that, my business isn't doing that great. After doing the accounts over and over, with multiple figures either profit or loss. I can safely say we're at a.....loss. Big loss...Unless a miracle from God comes and rent our rooms, we're almost screwed. So we've dropped our prices to see if it helps. And please please TELEKOM. Do your work fast so we can survive, or if we perish you shall burn in hell with us.

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Life of managing a company

Now the useless soul has turned itself to try to become wealthy by running the business. Unfortunately it's not as easy as it seems.

You see, there's a major difference between worknig for yourself, and working for the company. When you work for the company, you usually try to do the minimum. Like you do the minimum number of work hours, or the minimum number of sales (unless you're on commission that is), the minimum work that you have to do and get out. Cause you know, if you do's more of a waste right? And spending company's money. Oh yeah...just spend it. Corporate dinners, corporate dancers, fuel, handphone, medical bills. Wooohoo.

Working for your company is hell of the work. You try to do things the opposite. Making sure things are at its best for your customers. You have to put time to taking care of the equipment and making sure that everybody is happy (well, almost...cept the customers that don't pay, then it's probably fear that will overwhelm them)

Erm, so the summary of it. Alot of the tenants are moving out, which is a bummer. And the accounts are inaccurate, so we don't know if we're making money or losign it. Well, then tommorow have to try to recalculate everything again.

But I like working like this. I have some degree of control. The employees listen to me, and my boss, or bosses are well, my clients. I do things because I know the company will help me later. I feed it, try to make it grow. And if all turns well....I'll have a nice corporation on the way. Ahh...the dream.

Back to reality. Lets see if I can get enough sales for this.

Cheers folks.

Saturday, January 01, 2005

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!

Oops, maybe the Christmas's abit late. Ha ha.

Oh well, how do I begin. I've spent my Christmas in Cameron Highlands. Spending time with Irene's dad and mom taught me how close friends can be. Three families almost every year spend their time in the resort talking about good old times and in the cold quiet day. Probably when I'm old I'll go there myself . It's nice, quiet, and a nice place to unwind when you're no more working. Probably picking up strawberries. It was a scary event at first, but after a while it was nice to go there for a visit which is so much enjoyable.

For the new year, being the fact that I'm divorced. I have two new year occasions. My first was yesterday with my dad and Aunt wei ping. Brought in the neighbours, catched damn nice food that my aunt made. And watched Kung Fu Hustle at the end. A nice quiet in house thing. Irene's been busy catching up on her internet as her place doesn't seem to have any. Checking friendsters and her other boy-friends. . But all in all, everyone's was tired. But happy.

Now, in about 5 minutes time. We're going to spend time after New year with my mom's side. Poor Irene's gotta go for both parties, but I think she enjoyed it. We couldn't find turkey, so we're having chicken,lamb,and beef with cranberry sauce. Cute huh? lol.

In other notes, in the new year I'll be managing my mom's company. Which provides rental services. My dad's one I have almost no control. So it's abit fustrating. Hopefully I can tell Charles, my boss over there about the situation here and let me go easy. Hopefully.