Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Driving Battle Stage 1

Now, usually I don't complain about KL drivers, because I'm one of them. And I usually do stuff which I kinda think it's abit too far. But hey, it's a dog eat dog world out there. But this story I like to tell because of the weirdness it is.

There I am near Phileo going to go off and lining up behind 3 cars to the ticket counter to exit, when a black merz or sonata decided to make a cut. To the ticket counter. So being myself, I faithfully push my car to be very close to the car in front of me to remind her the need to line up. As I was doing this, I didn't know about the red pillar at the front and I knocked it. Plooped, there it went and now there's a small red scar at my car. Interesting. My battle

Other than that, my business isn't doing that great. After doing the accounts over and over, with multiple figures either profit or loss. I can safely say we're at a.....loss. Big loss...Unless a miracle from God comes and rent our rooms, we're almost screwed. So we've dropped our prices to see if it helps. And please please TELEKOM. Do your work fast so we can survive, or if we perish you shall burn in hell with us.

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