Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Friends of all ages

Over the times I have been making friends or trying to make friends, it seems that the ages of friends do tend to influence you abit. Being a 23 year old, it can be considered too old or too young, or just right.

To my 19 year old peers in church which I meet, To them I'm an '81 guy, which is of course too old. It's quite fun to hang with them. For them, they don't have a worry at the world. Maybe later, but for them they see things so carefree and just to be done with classes. Being with them, you too feel carefree, and thinking that the life that you've been worrying about is almost nothing to worry about. I thank them for seeing the finer points in life.

I also have older friends. Friends who ranges from 24-30 something. They're the experienced group. They've been through their life of work, love and life in general. They talk wisdom, wisdom of their past that what they've done before. I get to learn what lies ahead of me and how do I face them. I thank them for the paths that they have treaded and their advice they've been giving me.

I have also friends who are the same age as me, exactly 23. They're the ones who I sync most. Some things are different cause we've came from different paths and such. But there's a sync somewhere and I too thank them for letting me to be in sync with them as they learn and grow.

Sometimes ages also doesn't affect maturity. In retrospect, Irene, being an early age of 21, is more disciplined and more hardworking than me. Talk about being the older one. Hehe.


Anonymous said...

too true :)


fbdx said...

ahahah....ya...but man...the best ones are the one we also cabut to cybercafe after studies..
ARRRR..keng keng