Friday, December 03, 2004

Being with Irene part 2

Having been with someone who is the direct opposite of you is interesting. It also poses some challenges as you can't go to some places where two of us will agree or like to go. For mine, it's shopping. Hearing that she is able to make runs in malls for 11 hours straight gives me the uuber jeebies. For her, it's cybercafes, she can't stand that I can just sit and stare at a screen for hours and wasting my precious time and muscle mass that I have left.

She and I also sometimes don't get along with fashion. She likes to dress really really nice, which I'm not complaining. She doesn't mind me dressing decent, but then there was the case of my green/grey shirt.
I have this green/grey shirt that's been with me like ooo...6-8 years? I usually wear that coz it's comfortable, it fits like a glove to my body. But here's how the conversation started about... the green grey shirt...

Irene: What's this?
Me: It's my shirt. Which I'm going to wear kwa.
Irene: Are you sure it's not a rag?
Me: No it's not, it looks abit beaten, but those are just small stain scars.
Irene: What scars? there's holes in this thing!
Me: Ah, but those are just scratches. The scars do bring back memories. Like this small white spot is where I use to spill some toothpaste and it got so into the fabric. The small brown spot is some nosebleed that I had, but you can hardly notice them. I'm not sure about the pink one though.
Irene: There's no way you're wearing this outside. You could wear it in the apartment but thats it.
Me: But it's comfortable, wait let me wear the fella.
Irene: There's no way you're wearing this outside.
Me: But it's so comfortable
Irene: Probably Jon has another shirt....
Me: ....

Jon is Kuan Leng boyfriend, which Kuan Leng is Irene's best friend. They hang out together like a group, and I just joined their party. It's quite interesting. Because they at a student apartment they have to do alot of stuff around the place. Litte did I know that I could mop a floor, which Irene have graded me a B- in effort. Need improvement.

Another thing about this is language barrier. Irene has an advantage of speaking in a different dialect that I do not understand. Chinese is a dialect I do not understand. So when four of us go out, and they 3 start talking chinese, I get stumped, litterally. Most of the time they speak english, but when they wanto say something funny about me, they switch dialects. Or if Jon and Kuan Leng wants to tease Irene but don't want me to talk back, switch dialects.

Must make note to myself to learn Chinese.

She's also an outgoing kind of person. Just recently we went to a shoot of Latte @ 8, which is a show about Jason Lo, a singer, interviewing celebrities in Sunway Pyramid. Being her favourite show, we went over there yesterday to see it live. The people I see there were very partyish, for a lack of a better word. All having fun and all. Now for normal people thats cool. But for a guy who is near introvert and been dealing only in business with people in suits and shirts who acts nice in front of you coz they're ur suppliers, that is very unpredictable people.

But with all these differences at the end of the day, we care for each other. I guess also that these differences intrigues us differently in some sort of way. Weird huh?

Irene, if you're reading this, love you. :)

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