Thursday, December 23, 2004

Recalling my ISDN line horror story..hehe

As I wait for how long the streamyx is to get for my company, supposedly it's about 2-4 weeks. But then it dawned on me on a little story when I was 18.


When I was 18, I ordered an ISDN line. Thinking at that time it was fast, and cool, I went to call Telekom to order. Telekom called, saying that it'll arrive quite soon. After about a couple of months with no answer whatsoever, I gave up and think nothing of it and still use my irritating dial up line.
When I was 21, Streamyx came about. I signed up for the 60 hours per month when it was popular, and it was changed to unlimited pretty quick. I was quite pleased with it as it's broadband and it's so fast. So happy. The next couple of weeks after the streamyx experience I was in bed in 9:30am. As I woke up, the first thing I saw standing in my room was this BIG burly Indian man with the Telekom uniform. He's BIG! With a turban! and a beard like a Singh! And was holding an ISDN MODEM! First thing that came out of his mouth was...

"You ordered ISDN?"

I replied...

"Umm....not anymore...sorry"

After that he just left. Talk about intimidation to the max. That is 3 years man. 3 years period of since I order to get the ISDN. My God. Is it that bad? Lets hope the order is not that long.

To tell you the truth, I'm abit sick of it. In my office, there's a ONE dialup line that goes to one computer. My boss. So everytime I need to use the Net, which I usually do to use emails to keep contact with. So alot of walking is required. And we have a network, without broadband. ARGH!!!!


Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Photo album for singapore trip!

Just to let u know i've added the singapore trip into my photo album. It's at snapfish. So in order to ease everyone's ordeal to register, I'll shall selfishly give my account details:

Have fun watching!

Friday, December 17, 2004

Work's getting tolerated, going to singapore soon

Hows things so far? Hmm, I'm starting to get the hang of what I have to do at work.
My company's a small company, trying to make it in the market. Since it's partially owned by my dad, I technically own some parts of the company, though I'm pretty new at this and all. So it makes me feel whatever my boss, Charles feels. If he got to chase a guy for money or else our company gets a hit, i feel pretty pissed too. So most of the time, we're both trying to make the company afloat. Going round, get new customers, getting money from the old. It's cutthroat and ruthless. Well for me at least. Charles is more patient. I'm that young rash fella who gets ready all the demand and threatening letters should we have to use it as a last resort to get back at our money. muahahahah...

Going to singapore soon. As I'm blogging now, I'm waiting for John to pick me up so we can go to the Pudu station to take a bus. Now I've never taken a bus anywhere out of state, so it's pretty daunting. But then it's nice to take an adventure. With my mini ipod in my ears, it really sounds like an adventure :). Irene and Kuan Ling has been there since Wednesday to go for shopping I gather. I must stay bold for the next couple of days and there's probably no way I can spend anybody anything during the next week as I'll probably be broke. Charles has so nicely gave me S150 to spend (ok not really to spend, but maybe he might just forget it...hehheh), plus an extra S250 I cough up from my own account, so we see how it goes. Will get photos coz she has a digital camera over there.

Cheers. :)

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

ramblings of a soul with a flu

I have flu. I'm off work. And I've got a blog.hmm...

no topics, no whatever life is what. Just pure crap talk.

I bought this Great Teacher Onizuka DVD for RM80. Good for the pirates ya? Watched that for a couple of days and it rocks. A pre-gangster fella doing teaching sounds absurd but whatever he does has a hidden meaning. Maybe will watch again till late night again. Oooo...It's been a while since I have been awake at 3am.

Am still thinking for a gift for Irene. You know, for christmas. Maybe a CD or a made up iMovie project using my eMac. Just not sure what to right. Argh, the brainpower needed for all these. The creativity drained from my soul. Bleh. Technically the CDs would be nice, but the iMovie will be nicer, and even better. IT'S FREE EVEN!!! lol. just joking.


Ok I think I'm done. Hehe. Cheers.

Friends of all ages

Over the times I have been making friends or trying to make friends, it seems that the ages of friends do tend to influence you abit. Being a 23 year old, it can be considered too old or too young, or just right.

To my 19 year old peers in church which I meet, To them I'm an '81 guy, which is of course too old. It's quite fun to hang with them. For them, they don't have a worry at the world. Maybe later, but for them they see things so carefree and just to be done with classes. Being with them, you too feel carefree, and thinking that the life that you've been worrying about is almost nothing to worry about. I thank them for seeing the finer points in life.

I also have older friends. Friends who ranges from 24-30 something. They're the experienced group. They've been through their life of work, love and life in general. They talk wisdom, wisdom of their past that what they've done before. I get to learn what lies ahead of me and how do I face them. I thank them for the paths that they have treaded and their advice they've been giving me.

I have also friends who are the same age as me, exactly 23. They're the ones who I sync most. Some things are different cause we've came from different paths and such. But there's a sync somewhere and I too thank them for letting me to be in sync with them as they learn and grow.

Sometimes ages also doesn't affect maturity. In retrospect, Irene, being an early age of 21, is more disciplined and more hardworking than me. Talk about being the older one. Hehe.

Friday, December 03, 2004

Being with Irene part 2

Having been with someone who is the direct opposite of you is interesting. It also poses some challenges as you can't go to some places where two of us will agree or like to go. For mine, it's shopping. Hearing that she is able to make runs in malls for 11 hours straight gives me the uuber jeebies. For her, it's cybercafes, she can't stand that I can just sit and stare at a screen for hours and wasting my precious time and muscle mass that I have left.

She and I also sometimes don't get along with fashion. She likes to dress really really nice, which I'm not complaining. She doesn't mind me dressing decent, but then there was the case of my green/grey shirt.
I have this green/grey shirt that's been with me like ooo...6-8 years? I usually wear that coz it's comfortable, it fits like a glove to my body. But here's how the conversation started about... the green grey shirt...

Irene: What's this?
Me: It's my shirt. Which I'm going to wear kwa.
Irene: Are you sure it's not a rag?
Me: No it's not, it looks abit beaten, but those are just small stain scars.
Irene: What scars? there's holes in this thing!
Me: Ah, but those are just scratches. The scars do bring back memories. Like this small white spot is where I use to spill some toothpaste and it got so into the fabric. The small brown spot is some nosebleed that I had, but you can hardly notice them. I'm not sure about the pink one though.
Irene: There's no way you're wearing this outside. You could wear it in the apartment but thats it.
Me: But it's comfortable, wait let me wear the fella.
Irene: There's no way you're wearing this outside.
Me: But it's so comfortable
Irene: Probably Jon has another shirt....
Me: ....

Jon is Kuan Leng boyfriend, which Kuan Leng is Irene's best friend. They hang out together like a group, and I just joined their party. It's quite interesting. Because they at a student apartment they have to do alot of stuff around the place. Litte did I know that I could mop a floor, which Irene have graded me a B- in effort. Need improvement.

Another thing about this is language barrier. Irene has an advantage of speaking in a different dialect that I do not understand. Chinese is a dialect I do not understand. So when four of us go out, and they 3 start talking chinese, I get stumped, litterally. Most of the time they speak english, but when they wanto say something funny about me, they switch dialects. Or if Jon and Kuan Leng wants to tease Irene but don't want me to talk back, switch dialects.

Must make note to myself to learn Chinese.

She's also an outgoing kind of person. Just recently we went to a shoot of Latte @ 8, which is a show about Jason Lo, a singer, interviewing celebrities in Sunway Pyramid. Being her favourite show, we went over there yesterday to see it live. The people I see there were very partyish, for a lack of a better word. All having fun and all. Now for normal people thats cool. But for a guy who is near introvert and been dealing only in business with people in suits and shirts who acts nice in front of you coz they're ur suppliers, that is very unpredictable people.

But with all these differences at the end of the day, we care for each other. I guess also that these differences intrigues us differently in some sort of way. Weird huh?

Irene, if you're reading this, love you. :)