Sunday, December 17, 2006

X360: Resistance is futile!

When I first got this Xbox 360. Alot of people said that it was too expensive, too big, too hot, too little games, too white, too need a lcd tv, but now.....

There are 8 XBOXERS members, even the naysayers have bought one. MUAHAHAHA..

Microsoft should give me commission for this :(

Anyway, when's your turn to have an Xbox? :D

Friday, October 13, 2006

You don't forget old friends

On a couple of days ago I was "booked" for a meeting with the MC gang, which was kinda nice and bring back memories. I imagine the time after APIIT we will go to Damansara Utama to a cybercafe name Art de Net to play Starcraft. No online games, however exciting it may be, is the same as having half or all of the seats taken in a cybercafe with your friends, now that is fun :).

So anyway my friend Eugin came over and showed me a board game which I have forgotten the name. It then fascinates me as it kinda keeps you imagine on what it becomes than having to see on the computer with the awesome 3d graphics and can't imagine it differently.

All in all, it was quite fun on a 2 player mode, then I've gotta run for a dinner meeting, sigh. Thanks Eugin for keeping in touch, it's good to know that there will be a "chance" another LAN gaming session will be in sight ^ ^. Thanks to the MC clan as well, if it's still there :D.

I have to remind myself that:
No matter how much money I earn or how big a car I have or how big a house I live, it will always be empty without friends.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

(if) as a family

One of my colleagues, Lee seng, had a sharing session which brings up a very nice activity to do during our meeting. What he suggested was that we each have a paper with our names on it, and it goes round to the rest of the people describing about that person in a one line sentence.

Here's mine to show, and I'm quite happy with the comments I'm receiving:

- Extremely funny and comical great guy to have around in any company!! Intellectual too in terms of speciality and field :). Keep it up man!

- ez going fellow. hope you can get out more frmo computers and PS.

- very super cool guy. Funny and caring, outstanding character. Very good persuasive skill. Just need to control temper once in a while. You're a great fren!

- Stop being homophobic and we not homos! :P

- Should try other drinks than COFFEE!

- Drink more water

- You apologise too often!! Makes people feel bad. Above all, you are very helpful and friendly.

- Everyone is his personal priest. Ha ha!

- Need to be more diplomatic.

- Damn good programmer.

- An Asset

- Say 'SORRY' or 'THANK YOU' less and more apropriately.

- Talk softer and more gentle.

- Come in the morning la. seldom see you coz we go back when u come. Nice to chat wif u man.

- Play more DOTA!

- chill out or relax when angry/upset.

- get more sleep, maybe.

- cheerful, joking and make the office more timely!

- Interesting guy, Laugh alot for no reason! Likes to say "TARPAU".

- interesting coffee guy.

- I like your communication way.

- Sometimes quite weird.

Some to tell me who I am, some to advice me on what I could do to be better. But this is the best process I've ever been too. After this, I'm putting it in my wallet, probably going to keep it for a very long time. Maybe when I'm 50, I'll take out this weathered yellow piece of paper to see it again. Who knows, maybe I can really find myself in the process. Thanks Lee Seng. Thanks (if). :)

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Battlefield 2006

Journals from Private FBDX, 19/05/2006 1000 hours

As we stepped into the warzone, pellets were shooting evreywhere. People were screaming and doing barrel rolls to stay alive. Breathing through my helmet and equipped with body armour to stay alive after being shot, I ran to the nearest covers that I could find to prevent from enemy fire, a big wooden plank.
Having the fear of getting shot and running from one place to another to achieve our objectives makes the andrenaline rush to the maximum, with the heart trying to pump gallons of useful blood to keep my muscles mobile.
Remembering my training from the Rainbow Six and the Ghost Recon team, alot of tactics I have learned I have used now, but it has not prepared me for the randomness of the attack. It can come from anywhere, from the front, from the side, and even from your team mates. This is quite shocking.
As I then prepared to shoot,

hehehh...welcome to the (if) party that happened on Friday 19/05/2006. Had a very good paintball session, followed afterwards by the X-men movie. Here are some of my good friends who are blogging about it. Cheers.

Ah bonk's site
Jason's site
Lee Nyin's site


Saturday, April 22, 2006

How Dell makes it big

As you might know or might not know. I'm a fan of company biographies. You know. How it's started and all that. Well my latest subject is on Dell. Basically, how Dell does it?
Well, in my opinion, it's because they listen to the customers. Do you know that they have a customer relationship management system just for you and me who bought the machines? Once they got your quotation number they know nearly everything about you. It's like going for an appointment to the doctor. Would you go to a doctor who has no knowledge of your medical history, or to a one who has bucketloads of your previous illnesses, allergies, and medicines that you've just taken?
My thoughts exactly :)
I think this is now the new age of things, it's how much you know about your customer and how much you serve them that counts. And I'm trying hard to make my training that way.
My belief is always this:
The profits that you reap is directly proportional of your percentage of your company devoted to serving your customers.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Deal with your previous employer

Sometimes keeping in touch with your employer helps. I've got a deal with them which is quite lucrative, but makes me work like hell. Sigh.
Back to work.

Monday, March 27, 2006

The expense of an office

Sigh, things that I've to spend is abit high for it. Installation of airconds, the getting of microsoft licenses, computers (which are given by IF, thanks), furniture and computer networking equipment. I think I've spent with the help for my dad about 10k for everything. Yikes, talk about overspending.

Anyway with this hopefully it gets to a better start, by leveraging on more students at one time. It's a challenge, and most probably a tiring one, but it's the risk to the return that I what thrive at.

Hope this works.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

The new office

Well, after a few months, things are going abit stable. The training's been working out quite nicely. Having to run around alot, but at least I get paid for it. So I can define now as stable. But then the unexpected thing happens.
I sat around with one of my good business buddies for a drink (in Starbucks, what else), he proposed that we should take a big risk and set up an office. So that we did.
By April we will start opening our office doors for training at SS3. All 1800sf of them. and a interesting history to that.
SS3 is area where my first house that I remember to be in is. It has gotten me alot of friends to start with and just hanging around the public school. I remember the ice cream sticks that I used to fight with. I also remember the first computer that I have (nerd post). the Macintosh, at that place.
Now going back there when I was previewing the office I see alot of familiar places. The school, the drain that I use to fell off to, and my house. It brings back memories, and it doesn't feel like going to work.
It's like going home.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Being Me

As time passes through your life, you get moulded in what you HAVE to do, not WHAT you want to do. I find this hard to accept. I think that sometimes thats why my close relationships doesn't seem to work. When people wants to mould me to a certain stereotype, such as to work hard and chasing money until there's no tommorow which for me personally is vain.

As you know, I've started this training business. Altough profits are important and money is the main motive, alot of business experts don't see money as the most motivational tool to propel your businesses forward. It must be deep within your heart that you want to help an objective to the world. That you are a saviour towards humanity by providing your service and/or product. If we take William Gates III from Microsoft for example, his basic aim is the ability to provide computing technology to the masses. Ford's basic aim is the ability to provide cars to the masses. Then you have profits :).

About mine? I want to teach the eldars, our should be respected generation for their wisdom, that computers help them. If I go out of business, I'm happy that I've done my duty, as every eldar would have known how to use a computer.

I could've work for a company, in fact I've been told numerous times to do so. But whats the point? To have more money? I like to crave for adventure, to feel the ups and downs of doing something. I always like to drive at the rough side of the road instead of a smooth one. Give me a choice of working like an ass, being humiliated, 12% chance to survive every month to get the biggest returns and to work with a constant salary, sitting in your cubicle oblivious to anything and I'll gladly pick the 12% chance anytime.

Please don't get mad or berated about this post. I don't intend to offend anybody, but this is my point of view. I can't change anybody's point of view, and I choose not to. But this is what I am. This is what God mould me to be. And being an unknown soul, at least I have a shred of identity and profile I can cling to.

Also, I like playing games. It's a fact. I don't deny it. I'm not an online addict, but I'm not against it either. I love having to spend 3 hours out of your working day playing with friends and laughing at it while losing that round of Dota or Counterstrike. I'm sorry peeps, but this is who I am, and I can't change it for anyone. Not my family, not my friends, not my loved ones as well.

This is me. Like a young bird who wants to learn how to fly by risking his life to come off the nest and to grow his wings stronger than to stay in the nest for all eternity, where it's safe, is me. I thrive on challenge, I thrive on connecting to people, but most of all, I don't think money is God. I have Him that I pray to. :)

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Public Speaking, a fear more worse than death

I've heard as a report that public speaking is the no.1 fear of many people, even more than the fear of death. Tommorow I shall attempt to go through that fear.

I've got a business meeting tommorow at 7am, and I hope that the presentation goes well. The presentations all gotta be in my head and to talk to 20 people. Lets see how it goes.

Fear is only in the mind so they say. But isn't all things from the mind?