Friday, October 13, 2006

You don't forget old friends

On a couple of days ago I was "booked" for a meeting with the MC gang, which was kinda nice and bring back memories. I imagine the time after APIIT we will go to Damansara Utama to a cybercafe name Art de Net to play Starcraft. No online games, however exciting it may be, is the same as having half or all of the seats taken in a cybercafe with your friends, now that is fun :).

So anyway my friend Eugin came over and showed me a board game which I have forgotten the name. It then fascinates me as it kinda keeps you imagine on what it becomes than having to see on the computer with the awesome 3d graphics and can't imagine it differently.

All in all, it was quite fun on a 2 player mode, then I've gotta run for a dinner meeting, sigh. Thanks Eugin for keeping in touch, it's good to know that there will be a "chance" another LAN gaming session will be in sight ^ ^. Thanks to the MC clan as well, if it's still there :D.

I have to remind myself that:
No matter how much money I earn or how big a car I have or how big a house I live, it will always be empty without friends.

1 comment:

fbdx said...

lol, that is so true.

I'm actually feeling the pinch of feeling abit worthless without love. Sigh, it's quite bad really, you've be en trained from young to earn something that you will not need in your later life. :(