Saturday, April 22, 2006

How Dell makes it big

As you might know or might not know. I'm a fan of company biographies. You know. How it's started and all that. Well my latest subject is on Dell. Basically, how Dell does it?
Well, in my opinion, it's because they listen to the customers. Do you know that they have a customer relationship management system just for you and me who bought the machines? Once they got your quotation number they know nearly everything about you. It's like going for an appointment to the doctor. Would you go to a doctor who has no knowledge of your medical history, or to a one who has bucketloads of your previous illnesses, allergies, and medicines that you've just taken?
My thoughts exactly :)
I think this is now the new age of things, it's how much you know about your customer and how much you serve them that counts. And I'm trying hard to make my training that way.
My belief is always this:
The profits that you reap is directly proportional of your percentage of your company devoted to serving your customers.


Anonymous said...

to the poster above, stop trolling other people's blog and posting such nonsense. so if i want a college degree and get a better feeling of joy you are saying i should take the shortcut process by buying the dgress? pffft i rather do it the hard way and said i did it myself rather than buy some piece of paper that profits such unscrupulous parties.


fbdx said...

lol....well said eugin...
well said :)