Friday, October 22, 2004

still clinically gastric

Ouch, gastric, the irritating bane of pain. After with a couple of antacids and some pills (Lanzol, to help with the stomach and gastric), it's back to work.

My work was suppose to start with my father's friend, or my friend, Charles immediately, who owns a concentrated fruit juice selling company. Unfortunately, he suffered some pink-eye thing and now is at a clinic and at home, quite stoned. Hope he's doing ok.

So far things are ok. Oh I almost forgot, give this Google Desktop a try, I can't remember the link but you can google search that and it'll instantly pop up. It's kinda cool. It's a small 400k prog that checks all ur files and directories and put it in the google search. so when u google for something, not only does it search its usual web sites and images, but it also searches your offline e-mails, files, directories and pics and what not and puts it in your result.

Security wise, there's no data sent to the google center about what you have. Your internet explorer just reflects what you have on your machine and your google website just adds that small code to show the results on your page.

I think.

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